You already innovate technologically?

Be coherent, innovate the way you work together!


Collective Performance Improvement

FOR INNOVATION: our unique two-day BootCamp aligns everyone on the vision and action plan

Whether you need to pivot the business model, reorganise the team or prototype the next innovative feature, the Teamulator Process will accelerate collective design of high-quality solutions.

FAST GROWTH: our Culture Workout Porgram screens those you need to promote to build the right culture

Team intelligence practices can be learned the same way you learned STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) skills, in a structured and practical way. Like any muscle, it requires working out and a good coach.

REMOTE LOCATIONS: Our Virtual Program help your remote teams to deliver extraordinary results

Your organisation operates on different locations? This creates new challenges to coordinate your people's efforts.

We will teach you the specific ways to work online during you regular virtual team meetings.

Team Performance Optimisation

Neither the touchy-feely motivational workshops, nor the dry process improvement consulting... 

Virtual or onsite, our team programs are built on a rare combination of formal learning AND direct application on a concrete business subject.

Through our intervention, your team will learn:

  • How to hold purposeful and efficient meetings

  • How to unlock the unhealthy political games

  • How to manage tensions in a proactive way

  • How to collectively agree on decisions that everyone owns and is committed to execute

  • How to create a solid organization structure, yet flexible enough to evolve

  • How to bring your company's values to life in your day-to-day interactions.

How do they score on our "Team Success Predictor"?


50% Complete

Two Step

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